
Who are we?

Here at Rental Toll Manager we have a small team of developers who are very familiar with the way that Rental Car Manager works.

What do we do?

Our aim is to build the bridge between your tolling company and your customers, reducing administrative overheads, and ending with a healthier bank balance for you.

When did we get started?

The idea had been percolating for a while, but Great-COVID-Pause of 2020 gave us the chance to finally get everything up and running.

Where are we located?

We are an Australian-based company with customers all over the world.

Why did we create Rental Toll Manager?

The job of passing on your road toll and infringement costs to the drivers of your vehicles has never been more difficult. We understand that you have better things to do than to spend your time matching tolls to customers and trying to recover the costs. Signing up with us will solve these problems as you let us do the Customer Matching and Payment Processing for you.

Contact Us to find out more.